A Year of Highs and Lows: A Rollercoaster Ride
Wow, what a year it has been, right? I mean, seriously, this year has been like a rollercoaster ride filled with so many highs and lows. From the personal to the professional, from domestic to international, it feels like life has thrown us curveballs left and right. But you know what? Amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, I’ve realized that this year has had a unique way of both pulling us away from ourselves and guiding us back to our true selves.
The Technology Dilemma: Blessing and Challenge
It’s funny how life works, isn’t it? We’ve been pushed to disconnect, subscribe, reconnect, and center ourselves. This journey has stretched us in ways we never imagined. And I can’t help but wonder if you’re feeling the same way. Have you found yourself pulled in different directions, trying to make sense of a world that seems to be hurting and changing faster than ever before?
Mixed Emotions: Heavy Hearts and Hopeful Spirits
Technology has played a significant role in all of this. We have access to information and events from around the world at our fingertips, every minute of every day. It’s both a blessing and a challenge. We’re inundated with so much, bombarded by the constant stream of news and updates. But this is the world we live in, and it’s essential to stay informed, even though it can be overwhelming at times.
My heart feels heavy, but it also brims with hope. Holding both these emotions simultaneously can be a lot, especially for someone like me who often holds space for others. I want to see the positive in things, but I’m also a realist. Life can be tough, and there’s no sugar-coating it.
Sending Love and Light: A Message to All
So, to all of you who have endured the challenges of this year, I want to send my love and light. Whether we’ve crossed paths or not, whether you’re on my social media feed or sitting in therapy sessions seeking healing, I wish for you happiness, health, and hope.
Setting Intentions for the New Year
As we approach the new year, I haven’t set my intentions just yet. I plan to take some time after reading this to do a year-end reflection on what I accomplished in 2023 and set intentions for the upcoming year. One thing I’m yearning for is capacity – the capacity to show up in various spaces, even those I haven’t ventured into yet. I want to do so authentically and grounded.
The Importance of Emotional Awareness, Support, and Self-Care
To achieve that, we must be in touch with our feelings, emotions, and bodies. We need to recognize the impact of not doing so because, trust me, if we don’t make space for our feelings, they will make space for themselves. That’s where externalizing our experiences becomes essential.
If you aren’t already, I strongly encourage you to seek objective support, whether it’s through therapy, coaching, or any other means. You deserve support, and it doesn’t always have to come from the people you love. Sometimes, despite their best intentions, they can’t hold you, and that’s okay.
Rest is another critical aspect of self-care. It’s not just about sleep, massages, or baths. It’s also about disconnecting, finding solace in nature, and allowing yourself to recharge. Sometimes, it’s as simple as sitting outside and soaking in the sunshine or the sounds of the world around you.
Hope for a New Year: Setting a New Year Intention!
As we step into the new year, my hope is that it brings you revelations, beautiful moments, abundance, and prosperity. I know this year has been challenging, and it’s hard to witness the pain and turmoil in the world. But I want you to know that I see you, I hear you, and I’m aware of the heaviness in the air.
I hope you enter the new year well-rested and grounded, ready to face whatever challenges come your way, and ready to savor the beauty and joy that life has to offer. Thank you for joining me on this journey throughout the year, and if you’re just joining me for the first time, welcome aboard! I’m excited about what 2024 has in store, the sky’s the limit!
So, my dear friends, have a wonderful, safe, and happy New Year, to the best of your ability. I’ll catch you next year, and I can’t wait to continue this incredible journey together.